Halfway there!!!

Bloody hell - just realised that I am halfway there to completing my first novel. Still a long way to go but I'm quite proud of that. Also just two thousand words from officially having a novel length story (40,000 words). Whilst it's quality of writing and not quantity of words I'm still using this as an indicator.


  1. More power to your arm then my friend. I'll be waiting, ready to buy this novel when you complete it.

  2. Thanks Shaun! How's your writing going sir?

    1. I recently came third place in a contest hosted by Dark Futures (details on my blog) and, hot off the press, I've been asked to contribute to an anthology. Plus I'm working on a novella.

  3. Excellent stuff Shaun!!! Third place is a great achievement and congrats on the invite to contribute for an anthology. Give me a shout when the novella is down so I know when I can get a copy. :-)

  4. I will, it's good to communicate, I've been off the radar for to long.


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