The Prediction - It's getting hot in here!
Wow, the temperature has been rising and I'm not talking about the weather! Some sizzling entries for last week's Prediction even with that curve ball of a word Cockle. Hoping that the book is a bit kinder this week. Yet that didn't disturb our intrepid Predictioneers and you left me with a headache, a very welcome headache, in my debut week as judge, jury and executioner due to the quality of writing throughout. Anyway, you don't want to hear me prattle on, you want to know who the inaugural winner of Phlambler's Prediction is. So, after much deliberation, let me put you out of your misery. My winner is Veronica Marie Lewis-Shaw with her entry which was literally To Die For . Veronica - I loved the description in this piece and felt like I was living through the characters as I read it. Superb and well deserved. I have two runners-up this week with two different yet compelling pieces. The first is Shaun Adams with A Tale From Bile County Part 2 . Sh...