It's been a while

So it's been a while since I posted on this site and the simple reason is essentially life coupled with a global pandemic.

Last year was quite tough as sadly my mum passed away after a long battle with cancer and I also ended up losing my job. These things coupled together alongside the general world of Covid meant I reprioritised a few things and have spent a lot of time getting out and about in nature which I always find a comforting thing to do. Anyone who follows my Twitter feed will have had a taste of that.

Things are not all doom and gloom though. 2021 has been kinder and I am back in employment again and was also able to get some writing done over the past year too. I was also proud as hell for The Woods to be nominated for Best Anthology at the British Fantasy Awards. Even though it didn't win it is always a huge honour to be shortlisted by your peers for such a prestigious award.

I've also got some exciting publishing news but I will put that on a separate post. Just wanted to come and say hi and let you know that I am still plugging away at this game of words.

Also, for anyone going to FantasyCon, do come and say a socially distanced hello in person!

Much love to all in these interesting times x


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