FantasyCon 2023

 FantasyCon is an annual highlight for me. It's a chance for me to catch up with writing buddies, buy books, and generally immerse myself in the UK horror writing scene. My creative juices always feel recharged afterwards even if my bank balance is lighter and my need for sleep increased ten-fold!

This year, FantasyCon is being held in Birmingham at the Leonardo Royal Hotel from 15 to 17 September. I'm delighted to be sharing a panel on the Saturday afternoon at 3pm with Kat Day (Moderator), Ramsey Campbell, Philip Fracassi, and Raven Dane. The panel is called Writing 21st Century Horror and the blurb says "What are the new techniques and innovations in Horror? Is there a new scare? How does the tradition of horror writing help us develop new stories and new ideas? Join our panel to discuss and pick up some reading recommendations."

I also have a reading slot at 5pm on the Saturday alongside Trip Galey and Ruth EJ Booth. Hopefully I'll see a few folks there.

If you're at FantasyCon this year, do come say hi. I'll also be bringing some copies of No Happily Ever After with me for anyone who wants to purchase one.


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